
How Getting Involved Sparks Career Momentum

March 12, 2021 ︱By: Cesario Mora As aspiring PR professionals, we understand that networking is everything. Connections are the ingredients needed for having a successful career. But you can’t just wait for connections to fall on your…

Executive Board Elections: Should You Run for a Position?

If you’re a member of PRSSA, you’re likely familiar with the Executive Board.  The head honchos of our student chapter.   Our fearless, flawless leaders.  Our brilliant, overqualified, super-human overachievers.  Or…

Membership Highlight: Analleli Penaloza

What is your name, age, and major? My name is Analleli Penaloza, I’m 21 years old, and my major is Business- Marketing. How many years have you been at CSUF? Three and a half years. How long have you been part of PRSSA? Since…